Structure & Governance

UCD Volunteers Overseas is an independent charity founded in 2003 by the late Fr Tony Coote. UCDVO is registered with the Charities Regulator, registered charity number 20055776 and has been granted tax exemption by the Revenue Commissioners in Ireland - registered charitable taxation number: CHY 15856. UCDVO is part of the Global Community Team in UCD Global.



The charity is governed by a voluntary Board of Trustees with members serving a maximum of two three-year terms. There are currently twelve Board Members comprising UCDVO alumni, staff and individuals with experience in the international development sector. Download UCDVO Charity Constitution
The day to day operations of the charity are run by the Manager, appointed by the Board. The two staff members report to the Manager - Programme Coordinator and Programme Assistant. The three members of staff are employees of UCD. The Manager reports to the Assistant Director of UCD Global and to the Board of Trustees. UCDVO’s activities are recognised as contributing to and enhancing the global experience for the UCD community.

The UCDVO Student Society is an active group of returned volunteers whose role is to engage and support students in raising awareness of development issues, carry out fundraising activities and promote opportunities for continued engagement. The Student Society is a legal entity within UCD and an Action Group of the UCDVO Board. The Auditor and two other elected representatives of the Student Society are members of the UCDVO Board of Trustees. 


Strategic Plan 2022-2027

Inspiring Global Citizens was developed through a series of workshops and stakeholder consultations, and an analysis of key issues and challenges of international volunteering. It builds on the findings of the first independent evaluation of UCDVO, Looking Back, Moving Forward (2021). 

In 20 years we have achieved much as an organisation – we have connected communities and had a transformative impact on the lives of many. Learning from our past, and preparing for future, this strategic plan represents UCDVO’s vision to evolve and develop as an organisation and inspire active global citizens. 

The three key objectives of the plan include: 

  • A vibrant space in UCD for volunteering, collaboration and learning.
    A community of active and responsible global citizens
    A sustainable, effective and networked organisation.

Read the UCDVO Strategic Plan 2022-2027


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